Why Does My Gaming Chair Keep Going Down? How to Fix it?

Do you ever find yourself asking, “Why does my gaming chair keep going down?” If you’re a gamer or spend a lot of time sitting at your computer, you understand the importance of having a comfortable and supportive chair. However, it can be frustrating when your chair keeps sinking down and you constantly have to readjust it. There are a few common reasons why your gaming chair may keep going down, and fortunately, most of them can be easily fixed.

In this article, we’ll explore these reasons and provide solutions to keep your chair sturdy and secure. So, if you’re tired of constantly having to adjust your chair’s height, keep reading to find out how to solve this problem once and for all.

Understanding the Basics of Gaming Chairs

Gas Cylinder for Office Chair, Gaming Chair, Computer Chair

Before we delve into the causes of a gaming chair going down, it’s essential to understand how gaming chairs work.

Most gaming chairs have a hydraulic lift that allows you to adjust the height of the chair. This lift is usually made up of a gas cylinder and a mechanism that controls the chair’s height.

The gas cylinder contains compressed gas that provides the force needed to raise and lower the chair. When you adjust the height, the mechanism releases or compresses the gas, which raises or lowers the chair.

Common Causes of a Gaming Chair Going Down

There are several reasons why your gaming chair might keep going down. Let’s take a look at some of the most common causes.

Defective Hydraulic Lift

A defective hydraulic lift is one of the most common causes of a gaming chair going down. If the gas cylinder is leaking or the mechanism that controls the height is broken, it can cause the chair to lower unexpectedly. If this is the case, you may need to replace the gas cylinder or the entire lift mechanism.

Loose Fittings and Screws

Another common cause of a gaming chair going down is loose fittings and screws. Over time, the fittings and screws that hold the chair together can become loose, causing the chair to wobble and lose its height. If you notice that your chair is wobbling or unstable, it’s essential to tighten all the fittings and screws.

Worn Out Gas Cylinder

If your gaming chair is old, the gas cylinder that controls the chair’s height may have worn out. This can cause the chair to slowly lower over time or drop suddenly. If this is the case, you’ll need to replace the gas cylinder.

Damaged Chair Mechanism

The chair mechanism that controls the chair’s height can also become damaged over time. If the mechanism is damaged, it may not hold the gas cylinder correctly, causing the chair to lower unexpectedly. If you suspect that the mechanism is damaged, it’s best to replace it.

Incorrect Height Adjustment Settings

Sometimes, the simplest explanation is the correct one. If your gaming chair keeps going down, it may be due to incorrect height adjustment settings. Double-check the height settings on your chair and make sure that they are set correctly.

Troubleshooting Your Sinking Gaming Chair

Now that we’ve covered the most common causes of a gaming chair going down, let’s explore how to troubleshoot the issue.

Inspect the Hydraulic Lift

Start by inspecting the hydraulic lift. Check for any signs of damage or leaks in the gas cylinder. If the cylinder is damaged, it’s best to replace it. If there are no visible signs of damage, check the mechanism that controls the height adjustment. Make sure that all the components are working correctly, and there are no loose fittings or screws.

Check the Fittings and Screws

If you’ve ruled out a defective hydraulic lift, the next step is to check the fittings and screws. Make sure that all the fittings and screws that hold the chair together are tight. If any of the fittings or screws are loose, tighten them with a screwdriver.

Examine the Gas Cylinder

If you suspect that the gas cylinder is worn out, you’ll need to replace it. To do this, you’ll need to remove the old cylinder from the chair and replace it with a new one. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when replacing the gas cylinder.

Inspect the Chair Mechanism

If the chair mechanism is damaged, you’ll need to replace it. This can be a bit more complicated than replacing the gas cylinder, so it’s best to consult the manufacturer’s instructions. If you’re not comfortable with DIY repairs, you may want to take your gaming chair to a professional for repair.

Adjust the Height Settings

Finally, if you’ve ruled out all other causes, it may be a simple matter of adjusting the height settings. Make sure that the chair is adjusted to the correct height for your needs, and that all the components are working correctly.

Tips for Maintaining Your Gaming Chair

To prevent your gaming chair from going down, it’s essential to maintain it properly. Here are some tips to help you keep your gaming chair in good working condition:

  1. Regularly tighten all the fittings and screws that hold the chair together.
  2. Avoid overloading the chair beyond its weight limit.
  3. Clean the chair regularly to prevent dirt and debris from clogging the mechanisms.
  4. Avoid leaning too heavily on the backrest or armrests.
  5. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper use and maintenance.


A gaming chair that keeps going down can be frustrating, but it’s usually fixable. By understanding the basics of how gaming chairs work and troubleshooting the most common causes, you can keep your chair in good working condition. Remember to maintain your chair properly to prevent issues from arising in the first place.

In addition to troubleshooting your sinking gaming chair, it’s also worth considering investing in a high-quality gaming chair that’s built to last. A good gaming chair not only provides comfort and support but also helps to prevent issues like height adjustment problems.

If you’re in the market for a new gaming chair, be sure to read our reviews of the best gaming chairs on the market. With the right chair and proper maintenance, you can enjoy hours of gaming without worrying about your chair sinking or going down.


Why does my gaming chair keep going down?

This could be due to a defective hydraulic lift, loose fittings and screws, a worn-out gas cylinder, a damaged chair mechanism, or incorrect height adjustment settings.

How do I troubleshoot a gaming chair that keeps going down?

Inspect the hydraulic lift, check the fittings and screws, examine the gas cylinder, inspect the chair mechanism, and adjust the height settings.

Can I repair my gaming chair myself?

It depends on the issue. Simple repairs, such as tightening fittings and screws, can be done yourself, but more complicated repairs may require professional help.

How can I maintain my gaming chair properly?

Regularly tighten fittings and screws, avoid overloading the chair, clean it regularly, avoid leaning too heavily on the backrest or armrests, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Can a gaming chair go down if it’s too old?

Yes, a gaming chair can go down if it’s too old, particularly if the gas cylinder or chair mechanism is worn out. In this case, it may be best to replace the chair.

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Hi there! My name is Peter Comerford, and I'm a gamer who has been working as a furniture designer. With my love for both gaming and furniture, I have dedicated myself to helping gamers find the most comfortable and ergonomic gaming chairs on the market. This passion has led me to create Playtime Comfort, a website where I share reviews, comparisons, and guides all about gaming chairs.

Playtime Comfort